Seminar and Trainings

PSCO Seminars

IOMOU Port State Control Officer (PSCO) Seminars are conducted to provide opportunity for senior PSC officers in the IOMOU region to update their knowledge and to share their experiences and expertise on PSC, so as to promote closer co-operation and harmonization on PSC throughout the region.

Other MOU Trainings

As part of enhancement of training to the port State control officers, Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding (IOMOU) Committee has initiated a support through its Technical Co-operation Fund (TC Fund) to the PSCOs for the trainings from other MoUs. This will help to build capacity for PSCOs, increased knowledge on relevant International Maritime Convention Rules, improvement in maritime sector governance and strengthening relationship between Tokyo MoU and Paris MoU.

Aus-AID Supported

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) as part of its broader engagement in the Indian Ocean Region and recognizing its role within the Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding, supported to conduct trainings for the duration from 2013-2015, through Aus-AID and AMSA Public Sector Linkages Programme (PSLP), assistance to the Indian Ocean Region.

IMO Sponsored

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) provides support to all the port State control regimes including Indian Ocean MoU (IOMOU) for conducting the Expert Mission Trainings, specialized trainings, etc. under their Technical Co-operation activities, for port State control officers (PSCOs) and funded by the IMO. IMO also provides financial assistance to the individual participant from the PSC regimes for the trainings conducted by the other MoUs.

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